Grants Awarded
The Laurens County Community Foundation (LCCF) is pleased to announce grant awards given to support and benefit the lives of citizens in Laurens County. The LCCF contributes its resources to fund a broad range of local areas, especially areas aimed at helping those most at risk. Those areas include education, the arts, cultural programs, historic preservation, health, and social services.
The LCCF’s strategic grant-making focus is to invest in innovative, collaborative approaches and solutions to community needs. It does this by supporting projects that have the potential for the greatest positive impact on the quality of life for individuals and families living in Laurens County. Seven outstanding local organizations have been selected as recipients of this year’s competitive LCCF 2022 Community Enrichment Grants Program from the many application proposals received. This year's recipients are Laurens County Cancer Association, Good Shepherd Free Medical Clinic, Church of the Epiphany, Rotary Club of Laurens, Laurens County Museum, Eastside Elementary School, Thornwell Charter School.

Executive Director, Robin Day said, "The Community Foundation continues to inspire individuals, families, organizations and businesses to create permanent charitable funds to help our community meet the challenges of changing times. We seek to find ways to increase our impact on improving the quality of life in our wonderful Laurens County, our grant program is one way in which we achieve this goal. As we move forward, we are concentrating on the measures that matter and that make the most local impact."