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3 Myths about Community Foundations

There’s a lot of information floating around out there about what community foundations are and do. We’re here to help clear up some of the confusion. Below is a list of the top five community foundation myths, along with the truth about them.

Community Foundation Myth #1

MYTH: You must be wealthy to give to a community foundation.

FACT: All sized gifts are combined to collectively address community challenges and opportunities. Last year, many of the gifts made to the Laurens County Community Foundation were under $500.

We also have an Acorn Fund that you can start with as little as $100 and grow it by adding to the fund over time. This has been used to grow scholarship funds and donor advised funds to give to the causes you are most passionate about.

Community Foundation Myth #2

MYTH: Community foundations are exclusively for retired people.

FACT: Community foundations impact everyone in a community! At the Laurens County Community Foundation, the grants provided for partner organizations improve the lives of our youngest to oldest community members. Donors represent every generation from Millennials to Baby Boomers and beyond.

Community Foundation Myth #3

MYTH: Community foundations are confusing, and I can never figure out how they work.

FACT: Community foundations don’t have to be confusing, and they’re full of friendly people and great resources to help guide you through the process of charitable giving — we promise! Here’s a very simplified overview of how a community foundation works:

Donors give to a fund at their local community foundation. That money is invested by the foundation and grows. The revenue from it is then used to impact the community through grants.

At the Laurens County Community Foundation, our vision is to advance the wellbeing of our community by creating the very best places where we can all learn, live, work, and engage. If you’re thinking about donating to a fund, we’d love to help you figure out the process so that your donations are made in the most effective and meaningful way possible.

Give us a call at 864-681-5223 or to learn more.



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Laurens County Community Foundation
211 N. Broad Street Street | Clinton
P.O. Box 1836
Laurens, SC 29360

Office Hours:
9am to 3pm Tuesday - Thursday

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