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Over $49,000 Given to the Community through the Laurens County Community Foundation

2018 Grant Recipients & LCCF Directors (photo credit: Hayley Bryan)

The Laurens County Community Foundation (LCCF) is pleased to announce grant awards and scholarships totaling over $49,000 given to support and benefit the lives of citizens in Laurens County. Furthering its mission to enrich Laurens County by creating charitable funds, promoting education, and providing community resources that have lasting impact, the LCCF has contributed its resources to fund a broad range of local areas, especially aimed at helping those most at risk. These areas are a part of Foundation's targeted focus which include education, the arts, cultural programs, historic preservation, health, and social services.

The Laurens County Community Foundation makes annual Community Enrichment Grants through an application process that involves local citizens serving on the LCCF Board of Directors who carefully vet proposals that meet the Foundation’s eligibility and selection criteria in the review and evaluation of request for funds. The LCCF’s strategic grant making focus is to invest in innovative, collaborative approaches and solutions to community needs by supporting projects that have the potential for the greatest impact on the quality of life and positive outcomes for individuals and families living in Laurens County. “The value of the Laurens County Community Foundation’s Community Enrichment Grants Program has already been demonstrated. Laurens County is blessed to have many organizations that imagine ways of making life better in our community, and the LCCF is blessed to be able through its programs to help some of those imagined ways become reality,” said Dr. Ed Gouge, LCCF Board Member and Grant Committee Chair.

Five outstanding local organizations have been selected as recipients of this year’s competitive LCCF 2018 Community Enrichment Grants Program from the many application proposals received:

Church of the Epiphany: Funding provided for a food backpack program for District 55 Ford Elementary School, providing food to help feed elementary students who are food insecure

District 56 Clinton Middle School: Funding provided to establish a “Wildcat Café” which will provide workforce training and skills for students with disabilities and special needs

District 56 Clinton and Eastside Elementary: Funding provided to provide a 3D printer for gifted and talented students, targeting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) educational development and workforce training skills

Laurens Rotary Club: Funding provided for a food backpack program for District 55 E.B. Morse Elementary School, providing food to help feed elementary students who are food insecure

YMCA of Greater Laurens: Funding provided for a water safety program to reach children at risk of drowning through education about water safety and swimming basics, including free swimming lessons

In addition to the 2018 Community Enrichment Grants, LCCF is pleased to also announce that more than $17,500 has been given through the Laurens County Future Scholarship Program to cover 2018 fall tuition for local students attending Piedmont Technical College and USC-Union, Laurens campus. The Laurens County Future Scholarship provides recent Laurens County high school graduates with a tuition-free path to complete two years of technical training, or the first half of a bachelor's degree. For more information about the scholarship visit:

In the interest of its ongoing support of Laurens County since 1962, an additional $25,000 in grants have been donated to local Laurens County educational and non-profit organizations through the HM Shaw Fund, which honors the memory of the late Mr. Shaw whose daughter, Ann Shaw Cornelson, serves as the principle advisor. Ann Shaw Cornelson has chosen the Laurens County Community Foundation as a viable outlet to assume responsibilities of administrating the HM Shaw Foundation Fund.

The Laurens County Community Foundation is committed to furthering its mission of enhancing the quality of life of the citizens of Laurens County by supporting organizations that are making a positive impact in our community and encouraging the practice of philanthropy. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation, leaving a legacy through your will, or starting a charitable fund that will grow over time responding to immediate and future community needs, contact Robin Day, LCCF Executive Director at 864-681-5223 | |, and we’ll work with you to facilitate either long-term endowments or shorter-term giving. By investing today, what we do at the Laurens County Community Foundation makes a local impact and helps improve tomorrow in Laurens County for all its residents.

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Laurens County Community Foundation
211 N. Broad Street Street | Clinton
P.O. Box 1836
Laurens, SC 29360

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