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Create A Legacy
Create A Legacy

A simple bequest allows you to create a permanent legacy while the Foundation will ensure that your charitable intent is permanently fulfilled.


Email or call 864-681-5223 to learn more.

Invest in Laurens County

By donating to our organization, you’re letting us take the reins and find where your money will make the highest impact for the greatest needs in Laurens County. 

Invest in Laurens County
Create New Fund

You have the option to create a brand new fund with us to focus on the needs that matter most to you that fall under our core values. 


Email or call 864-681-5223 to get started.

Create New Fund
Contribute to a Fund

Take a look below at some of the funds that have already been established. We have plenty of funds to pick from, so you can choose a cause closest to your heart.

Contribute to a Fund

Why choose to invest with us?

We make it easy. For any contribution you’ll receive an immediate tax deduction, you don’t have to be overwhelmed with paperwork and tax complications because we take care of all the administrative work for you. So invest with us, sit back, and let your investments grow.


We are all about philanthropy. Our organization is a sustainable solution for supporting the non-profit sector and helping them thrive. This is the key difference between our organization and private foundations, we are a non-profit 501©3 and the fees we receive go back into the community of Laurens County. You can rest easy knowing that your money is going back into the community to create a stronger, more sustainable nonprofit sector.

Work with local experts. Not only are we knowledgeable in the local needs and opportunities unique to Laurens County, but we spend a lot of time vetting our team of experts to ensure you get the most qualified people on your side. We vet our financial managers quarterly, interview them annually to ensure we’re reaching our goals, and our organization receives an external audit every year with McKinley, Cooper & Co., LLC. We do all of this to ensure that our financial practices are not only fully transparent, but are in line with our moral and ethical responsibility to the community. Just know that by choosing us, you’re choosing the best.

Anyone can give to, or through, the Community Foundation. Take a look at the many funds we manage and consider making a donation of any size. We have plenty of endowments to pick from, so you can choose a cause closest to your heart. For more information on how to donate, send an email to: or click here to donate.

AMI Kids Endowment

Chandler Cemetery Endowment

Clinton Kiwanis Scholarship Endowment

Clinton Community Greenspace Endowment

Clinton Lion's Club Scholarship Endowment

Copeland Scholarship Endowment

Cummins-Wham Scholarship Endowment

Dent and Ann Sparkman Endowment

First Baptist Church Clinton Building Endowment

First Baptist Church Clinton Holcomb Endowment

First Baptist Church Clinton Seniors Endowment

First Presbyterian Church Clinton Cemetery Endowment

First Presbyterian Church Clinton Facilities Endowment

First Presbyterian Church Clinton General Endowment

First Presbyterian Church Clinton Global Missions Endowment

First Presbyterian Church Clinton Outreach Endowment

First Steps Scholarship Endowment

Good Shephard Free Medical Clinic Endowment

Gray Court Park Endowment

HM Shaw Endowment

Holly Grove Cemetery Endowment

Hospice of Laurens County Endowment

Joe Adair Outdoor Center Endowment

Kevin's Dream Scholarship Endowment

Laurens County Cattlemen's Association Scholarship Endowment

Laurens County Arts Endowment

Laurens County Education Enrichment Endowment

Laurens County Future Scholarship Endowment

Laurens County Humane Society Endowment

Laurens Rotary Club Endowment

LCCF General Endowment

Leesville Southern Methodist Church Cemetery Endowment

Meditation Garden Endowment

Morris and Susan Galloway Endowment

Neal Prater Endowment

Robert Shortt Scholarship Endowment

Sandy Springs Cemetery Endowment

Scarborough Endowment

Swetenburg Good Shepherd Endowment

Swetenburg Hospice Endowment

Swetenburg United Ministries Endowment

Swetenburg YMCA Clinton Endowment

Walter C. Todd Endowment

Whitten Center Foundation Endowment

Fund Directory

Laurens County Community Foundation
211 N. Broad Street Street | Clinton
P.O. Box 1836
Laurens, SC 29360

Office Hours:
9am to 3pm Tuesday - Thursday

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